Monday, July 09, 2007


I've been reading a lot of blogs about politics lately. I appreciate that the democratic system allows for everyone to have a voice and I have enjoyed the much of the commentary I've read on the political happenings.

But if I'm really honest, I have to say that I am sick and tired of politics in general right now. The political system (or those who represent it in the media) has lost me. I'm not the type to say that I think everyone has a personal agenda or is on a "power trip", but I feel that those running for office are so concerned with gaining positions of authority or prominence that I think somewhere along the way, they lose what they used to be... or used to stand for.

I've heard people say "If I were President ___________________!" (insert your complaint). But I have to say that I have no desire to be President. I think if people were genuinely concerned about the world they would stop complaining and do something to affect a positive change. What it ultimately comes down to is people are more than willing to critisise and critique as long as it doesn't require them to get off the couch.

Presidents have some effect on the world... but imagine the impact if the voters actually saw their role as more than just marking the name they recognize on their ballot.

Am I jaded? Probably. Is our political system a joke? I don't think so. My concern is that people seem to spend more energy trying to make sure some one else does what I feel Christ calls us all to do. Maybe I've just seen one to many campaign adds :)

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi said it as well as anyone has.


Aimee Jo said...

I agree 100%.

Tim said...


Paula said...

Hey, brother! Welcome back to blogging! We're praying for you & Aimee & your baby girl & your big move!

Andrew Martin said...

Thank you sis! It's good to hear/read from ya. I hope everything is going well with you and the hubby and the florist business (I think I heard you were gonna start one).

Stay in touch
