Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Okay okay okay....

I thought about it for a while and decided that 2 years without posting is probably a little excessive so I decided to get things going again now before the 2 anniversary.

I don't know what it is about posting... it was just not something that I felt I had time for (which was not really the case). But now that I have virtually no time at all, I have decided to give it a whirl again... go figure.

Anyway, my life is pretty crazy right now. Aimee Jo & I are having a baby really soon. For all those who prayed for us, thank you and God bless you for it. Also, we are preparing to move to Fort Portal, Uganda to serve as missionaries. We are planning to leave in early-mid December. Its is sneaking up on us already. The Vancouver Church of Christ has committed to be our "sending church", and Keizer & Caldwell Churches of Christ have also pledged to partner with us. We are in the process of securing the rest of our funding (which is very stressful at times) and we are blessed to be walking this path with some very faithful and loving people.

I am going to try to keep this "new" blog updated more frequently than the last. Which shouldn't be too hard considering :p

Also, please check out our new family blog at The Martin Family.


James T Wood said...

Dude, keep it up. It will be a lifeline when you're away from everyone (trust me).

Andrew Martin said...

I will try for sure :)

brenda said...

Glad to see you here again! Computer don't fail me now...